A day like your wedding day passes so quickly. We want you to be bright-eyed and vibrating with calm and happy energy on the big day so you can really enjoy every moment! We have thought of a few tips to keep in mind that will help you to feel your best on your wedding day.
A month before your wedding
• It is easy to get distracted and forget to keep up with your routine but it is important to maintain to stay balanced as the big day approaches. Write down your ideal routine months before the wedding and then do your best to hold yourself and your partner accountable as the wedding day gets closer.
• Don’t forget to hydrate! If you’re not already in the habit of drinking a lot of water, be sure to start during planning. We think it is great to do this for several weeks before your wedding. Especially if you have a destination wedding because you will be flying and then adjusting to a different climate. Get couples water bottles to make it fun, or challenge your partner to see who can drink more water throughout the day!
• Did you know stress can decrease your immune system? We highly recommend taking your multivitamins regularly to prevent getting sick before your big trip!
The week of your wedding
• Don’t overdo it at the pre-party. This one is a biggy! Drink plenty of water the day of the pre-party and eat if you plan on drinking alcohol so you are feeling your best at the ceremony. We also suggest that you avoid mixing too many types of drinks, sticking to one or two types will help decrease the severity of a hangover.
• Plan a pre-wedding yoga session with your wedding party. We love when couples plan this the day before or a light session the morning of their wedding to bond with their best friends and really relax before the big day. We can also plan spa days and massages that will be sure to have you feeling great for your wedding day.
• Sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen – even if you are not sunbathing. Costa Rica is near the equator and your skin is likely not used to these sunny skies. Getting a sunburn can leave you dehydrated and tired. So be sure to wear sunscreen every day before the wedding!
• Drink bottled water. The water in Costa Rica is potable and fresh. In fact, it’s ranked one of the best in the world. We actually tend to drink tap in Costa Rica and bottled water in the U.S.! But as it’s possible to get traveler’s tummy when visiting anywhere new, sticking to bottled water in the days leading up to your wedding is an easy precaution to take.
• Shower the night before your wedding. Most hairdressers don’t recommend freshly washed hair on the wedding day. So make sure to take a nice relaxing bath or shower and wash and dry your hair the day before!
Feel your best on your wedding day
• Avoid drinking too much coffee. Costa Rica coffee is pretty strong, we don’t want you feeling jittery before walking down the aisle or feeling a crash just before your favorite song comes on.
• Eat! We always suggest a healthy colorful breakfast and plan for a light lunch on the wedding day. Smoothies are a great way to energize while getting ready too.
• Mimosas over champagne! Be aware of how much you consume if you’re drinking the morning of your wedding. Adding in plenty of juice helps you pace yourself and avoid getting too bubbly!
• Spend some time in the morning meditating on the things you are grateful for or list these aloud with your friends. Focusing on gratitude is a great way to find your center and stay grounded, which will help with those wedding day jitters.
• Exchange letters with your partner to read in the morning. A thoughtful moment that will make you smile is always a good idea!
How do you plan to prepare to feel your best on your wedding day? We want to hear from you! Leave us a comment below!
Posted in Wedding Planning Tips